Karen Forbes

About me:

I have been using essential oils and herbs for 15+ years. I love finding ways to treat myself and my family naturally. When I started having friends ask if I could help them it made me really want to know even more. That started my journey much deeper into finding out as much as possible about essential oils. How they are made, what parts of the plants are used, what is the chemical makeup of the oils and how to use each oil correctly. I have started my own business and will continue to consult with clients and make personalized blends for them. I am working on creating my own line of products also.

What I loved about Aromahead:

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience at Aromahead Institute. Going through the classes was a great experience. The instructions were good and the videos really helped.

Honey Bear Essential Oil Therapy

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience at Aromahead Institute. Going through the classes was a great experience. The instructions were good and the videos really helped.