Lynn Johnson

About me:

I'm sixty years young, mother of three and 'Nana' to five granddaughters aged 8 to 12. When I'm not doing crazy things with them (trampolining, dancing with them to 'Fitness Marshall') you'll find me with my head in a book. Met the man of my dreams at 55 and haven't looked back and the last year has passed by so fast - onwards and upwards!

What I loved about Aromahead:

Awesome, brilliant, tireless, innovative, awesome (yes I know I said that twice, but they are!) I could go on. The support at Aromahead Institute has been incredible and they have guided me through with encouragement, laughter and assurance. The site is easy to use and the amount of information - immense. Thank you everyone

Aroma Balance

Well it all started with my yoga and from there Reiki and aromatherapy just felt right - all about balance and aroma which is how I got the name for the business. Still studying (that will never stop) but therapy room all finished and my blends are ready and so am I!

Awesome, brilliant, tireless, innovative, awesome (yes I know I said that twice, but they are!) I could go on. The support at Aromahead Institute has been incredible and they have guided me through with encouragement, laughter and assurance. The site is easy to use and the amount of information - immense. Thank you everyone