Gwenda Spence

About me:

Health and wellness has always been a part of my life and lifestyle. Plants and what they can do for us along with how the body works, is fascinating! I love learning how to make people happy by helping them to feel better. I have an Aromatherapy Course Bucket List and look forward to someday creating a product line and doing consults.

What I loved about Aromahead:

Aromahead is such an incredible place to learn! I truly can't say enough about Aromahead. They really put a lot of thought into making this a user friendly online program. They acknowledge your successes and support any questions; no questions go unanswered. I really appreciate all the different ways available to learn - read, videos and hands on activities.

Aromahead is such an incredible place to learn! I truly can't say enough about Aromahead. They really put a lot of thought into making this a user friendly online program. They acknowledge your successes and support any questions; no questions go unanswered. I really appreciate all the different ways available to learn - read, videos and hands on activities.