Neck Pain? Nope Essential Oil Stiff Neck Rub

3 min to read
Andrea Butje

Ease neck pain with this essential oil recipe

Crick in your neck? This Essential Oil Stiff Neck Rub can help ease the tension and restore your range of motion.

Have you ever had such a stiff neck that you couldn't turn your head?

Couldn't put on your sweater?

Couldn't do a backbend?

Okay, I can't really do a backbend even when my neck is NOT stiff!

Having a stiff neck is painful, inconvenient . . . and unsafe. For example, you could injure yourself further by twisting your neck too hard, or you might not be able to turn to see what's behind you when you're backing out of a parking spot.

This is an essential oil stiff neck rub that I created for Aromahead's YouTube channel. It's been very popular there and has gotten a lot of positive feedback, so I'm sharing it with you here on our blog, too.

This blend is made in a base of Trauma Oil, which is just what it sounds like—an oil that is pressed from the Trauma Plant.

Just kidding, haha! There is no "Trauma Plant!"Trauma Oil is a blend of three herbs infused into a carrier oil, like olive oil. The herbs are arnica, St. John's wort, and calendula. They're allowed to infuse into the carrier over the course of several weeks.

When we add inflammation-calming essential oils to Trauma Oil, we have a potent natural pain reliever! The oils in this blend are Peppermint and Lavender. They are an amazing duo for soothing inflammation, releasing muscle tension, and helping you restore your range of motion.

Essential Oil Stiff Neck Rub

Ease pain, release muscle tension, and restore movement to your neck.

  • Pour the Trauma oil into the glass bottle.

  • Add the essential oils and tighten the cap.

  • Gently shake the bottle to combine.

That's it! Just three ingredients offer such profound relief for stiff necks. (Don't you love Aromatherapy?)

Make this blend in a 1 oz (30 ml) glass bottle. Combine the Trauma Oil and essential oils, and shake gently. If you can find a friend to massage this blend into your neck, that's great! If not, you can do a self-massage and still get all of the benefits.

Be gentle with yourself. Use this blend tenderly on the stiff muscles in your neck, shoulders, and upper back (and even on your scalp if you like). Reapply as necessary until you feel relief, continuing to massage yourself and expanding your range of movement with care.

I'll bet that after you use this essential oil stiff neck rub, you'll be so happy that you'll be turning your head all the time just because you can! Putting on a lot of sweaters, changing lanes for the fun of it, learning to backbend . . . Or maybe just taking a deep breath and relaxing!

Expand your bodywork practice by learning to use essential oils safely and effectively. Our course, Aromatherapy for Massage Therapists, will teach you new ways to benefit your clients and grow your practice with aromatherapy. You’ll learn how to make blends that increase relaxation, ease muscle tension, and deliver pain-relieving benefits, as well as how to incorporate them into your practice.

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